Design: 2024 Yearbook: CTRL Z

This project was a part of my 2024 Spring "Visual Arts Internship" course where I helped lead and coordinate a collaborative Creative Media Major-centered Yearbook, utilizing design and leadership skills acquired from previous classes in order to oversee the creative direction of a yearbook. In this project, I had the objective of compositing images, selecting type-faces and font, and creating a cohesive theme suiting our works. This project utilizes my knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite including: InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. It also honed my organizational, leadership, and time management skills. All images are edited using Adobe Software and are sourced from classmates and my editing team. 


Art: “A Delicate Balance”, 2024, 20 in x 16 in, Oil Paint on Wood Panel


Art: "Like the Atlantic," 10 in x 8 in, 2024, Oil on Wood Panel