Art: “Envy”, mixed media, 2024, 22 in x 15 in

This painting is inspired by my own poem “Jealousy,” which reads as follows:

My hands collide, and cheers roar,
The empty gesture spreads to my core.
I’m happy for the you that I couldn’t be.
Boiling, simmering, burning hot with envy.

My efforts and endeavors all for naught.
For those who tried, cried, and fought, Overshadowed, under appreciated,
A success that can’t be recreated.

I strive to hear my name in adoring voices,
But I fade into shadows, drowned by the noises
Of “Amazing!”, “So proud!”, and
My jealousy blazes, spirit drowned in resignations.

This piece was on display at the Stan State Juried Student Art Exhibition


Art: “Mon Petit Rat”, mixed media, 2024


Art: “Vuelo Eterno de la Mariposa”, mixed media, 2024, 15 in x 22 in